John Kerry Acknowledges USA Involvement in the Removal of Prime Minister Mossadegh

Date : 2020/04/04
Kleinanlegerschutzgesetz, Crowdfunding, Finanzierungen
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Post Description: John Kerry acknowledges USA is directly involved in the removal of Prime Minister Mossadegh, 1953.

This article was published in April 2020 in Fars News Agency.


John Kerry Acknowledges USA Involvement in the Removal of Prime Minister Mossadegh


Every Day Is Extra is John Kerry’s candid personal story. A Yale graduate, Kerry enlisted in the US Navy in 1966, and served in Vietnam. He returned home highly decorated but disillusioned, and he testified powerfully before Congress as a young veteran opposed to the war. Kerry was elected to the Senate in 1984, eventually serving five terms. In 2004 he was the Democratic presidential nominee and came within one state—Ohio—of winning. He succeeded Hillary Clinton as Secretary of State in 2013. In that position he tried to find peace in the Middle East; dealt with the Syrian civil war while combatting ISIS; and negotiated the Iran nuclear deal and the Paris climate agreement.

John Kerry acknowledges USA is directly involved in the removal of Prime Minister Mossadegh, 1953In chapter 7 of this book (The Old Senate) he states: ''Dulles, along with his brother, Allen, who was CIA director in that same era, had reversed the revolution in Iran and reinstalled the shah''.

John Foster Dulles, U.S. secretary of state (1953–59), once explained “There are two kinds of people in the world. There are those who are Christians and support free enterprise, and there are the others.