Trump & Judicial Despotism in America

Date : 2019/10/30
Kleinanlegerschutzgesetz, Crowdfunding, Finanzierungen
World Affairs
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Post Description: Critics believe that the US Supreme Court's recent further intervention undermines the power of lawmaking and government regulations. They assume it as a return to the pre-1937 era and adjudge it "Judicial Despotism".

This article was published in October 2019 in Etemad newspaper.


Trump & Judicial Despotism in America

Francis Fukuyama in his article under the title of "The Decay of American Political Institutions" argues that Americans have a problem, but they can’t see it clearly because their focus too often discounts history. Many of these problems could be solved if the United States moved to a more unified parliamentary system of government, but so radical a change in the country’s institutional structure is barely conceivable. Americans regard their Constitution as a quasi-religious document. Persuading them to rethink its most basic tenets short of an outright system collapse is highly unlikely.