Comparison of Two Development Goals of Saudi Arabia & Iran

Date : 2019/08/19
Kleinanlegerschutzgesetz, Crowdfunding, Finanzierungen
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Post Description: Saudi Arabia has set a development target (6 - 4 - 2) up to 2030 A.D. and Iran has set a development target (8 - 8 - 8) up to 1400 Hijri .

This article was published in August 2019 in Etemad newspaper.


Comparison of Two Development Goals of Saudi Arabia & Iran

Governments must be able to overcome both the ''legitimation crisis'' and the ''legitimacy crisis''. To this end, Saudi Arabia has set a development target (6 - 4 - 2) up to 2030 A.D. and Iran has set a development target (8 - 8 - 8) up to 1400 HijriThe documents of these goals do not deliberately express the requirements, because as soon as the requirements are stated, conflicts arise. To achieve these development goals, both countries must accept to redefine the conditions and forces of production on the one hand and the relations of production on the other hand.